Limitation of QAB Zoom facility - A4000003 - 18 Nov 1999

We recently heard of a problem that some users have experienced with PROGMAKE due to a misunderstanding about how the Zoom facility is intended to work. Users were zooming in on a procedure, then changing the procedure at the top of the zoomed tree to a different procedure (and possibly doing further editing). When they exited PROGMAKE they were surprised to discover that the original procedure was still in place, and that their changes were lost. The explanation of this behaviour is as follows:

When you use the Zoom facility of QAB to focus on part of the procedure tree, you are editing a new temporary procedure tree, so changing the top procedure to a different procedure will not replace the procedure in the actual QAB program. If you want to replace one procedure with another and need to use zoom to get at the procedure, then remember to zoom in on the procedure above the procedure you want to replace and not the procedure itself.