NO_TRAILING_BLANKS not implemented by DFPRINT. - A4000004 - 23 Nov 1999

Programs that print sometimes use the NO_TRAILING_BLANKS flag to be able to create relatively freeform text from a succession of DP4 maps printed adjacent to one another horizontally. Because DFPRINT has a fixed idea of the correct position for each control, it is more or less logically impossible for this flag to be meaningful in DFPRINT.

The flag is not implemented, and programs that try to use it with DFPRINT output will produce garbage.

There are two possible work arounds:

  1. Get program map to make use of embedded data fitted into a correctly laid out template map, rather than by piecing maps together. This is the best solution if you need DFPRINTs GUI capabilities.

  2. Stop the application using DFPRINT and print to one of the text mode printers instead.