Information for Users of Casewise Modeler

From time to time we are contacted by users of Casewise Modeler who wish to access their data via ODBC, usually using Excel or Access or similar programs. If possible you should be obtaining the required drivers, which Itim Techonology Solutions supply to Casewise, directly from Casewise. We are unable to provide support on any compatibility problems that may arise if you attempt to install the drivers for yourself using the information and download on this page.

The DP4 ODBC driver is called odbclibt.dll and requires the DP4 SQL Interface library sqllibt.dll These files should be installed in the same directory as the other DP4 binary files used by the Casewise software.

Before it can be used it has to be registered as an available driver. You can check whether this has been done already by seeing if odbclibt.dll shows up in the list of available drivers when you try to add a new data source using Control Panel. Check the Company and file columns - the name is configurable and may not appear as DP4 Enterprise (which is what we call it).

To register odbclibt.dll you need another DP4 exectuable named instutil.exe The command instutil -odbc will add the required registry entries for odbclibt.dll to be an ODBC driver. Please note, that because of the way Casewise configures DP4 you will probably be unable to access the DP4 database without running the Casewise logon process first.

Once you have installed the odbc driver you can create ODBC Data Sources to connect to the DP4 databases. You will need to know the name of the DP4 databases. These have extension .DAT (but omit the .DAT), and are stored somewhere in the Casewise directory hierarchy. The process of creating a connection is described here.

Normally you will need to supply a DP4 user name when connecting to a DP4 database. You can try the name "DP4" with a blank password. If this does not work you can use MENUUSER to add new DP4 users. Alternatively you can edit odbc.ini and force DP4 to allow an anonymous login.

If your Casewise installation is missing the required DP4 files you can download them using the link below. Make sure you use the same release of DP4 as your Casewise software is based on. You can find that out by right clicking on any DP4 file (e.g. syslibt.dll) and checking the version Tab. If it shows a number like 4.620 download If it shows a number like 4.619 or below please e-mail us telling us the release of DP4 your Casewise release is using, and ask us to add the files needed for it to this download page.

The download includes a copy of the documentation for the DP4 SQL and ODBC interfaces. You can find further documentation about DP4 on the DP4 documentation web site. Complete downloads of DP4 are available from the DP4 FTP site. Your Casewise software includes the DP4 licence file needed to install DP4.

Note on Access

You may experience problems accessing DP4 databases via Access. Usually "linked tables" work well, but for some tables you may encounter problems. This is caused by limitations in Access, not bugs in DP4. You can probably work around the problems by accessing the data via an Excel spread sheet - Excel does not have any problems accesing data from DP4 databases.


For the download(s) below, unzip the files contained in the zip file into the directory where DP4 executable files are installed. for release DP4 4.620