Beta 4.617 Terminal manager - E4000001 - 19 Oct 1999 (updated 7 Jun 2000)

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This terminal manager has a number of enhancements designed to improve the look of DP4 programs. Unfortunately some of these will only become easily accessible when corresponding enhancements are added to MAPEDIT. (You can preview a program that makes full use of the enhancements by visiting Alun Williams's web site, which you can find on the contacts page)

However, when used with the userdata.sys also included in the download you will see title bars displayed in DP4 maps given a gradient colour. If you have used Windows 98 or Windows 2000 you will be familiar with these already. On these operating systems the colours used will be the regular gradient colours. On Windows 95 and Windows NT 4 these colours don't exist, and hard coded colours are currently used, though this will be changed in the final release.

In addition menus are drawn using Windows 98 cosmetics, that is using a 3D effect rather than the selection colour to indicate the current option on the menu bar.

There is also a very useful enhancement which allows you to open any kind of document, for example web pages, using the trm_run_program() function. Simply pass the name of the document as the program, and pass 2 as the second parameter to the function. For information on how to make use of this enhancement in QAB click here.

3 May 2000 The latest beta trmw32.dll allows you to provide an on screen keyboard for your DP4 programs with virtually no programming. This is done by displaying buttons, which can be in any map, that are set to have fieldnr 0 and which are associated with an ASCII keystroke. These buttons will then work more or less like VCR buttons that can be used to generate control characters. Clicking the button will cause the associated keystroke to appear in the current input field.

There are two points to note about this enhancement:

16 May 2000 The 3rd May version did not work with DFPRINT due to a build error. Also this version fixes a bug introduced into the first 4.617 terminal manager which causes a GPF on Windows NT when displaying checkboxes that do not have associated text.

7th June 2000 This version has had the copyright message that used to be displayed very briefly removed. Instead the terminal manager looks for a bitmap called "splash" first in the executable it is running, and then in the DATAFIT directory. If found the bitmap is displayed with a timer that causes it so disappear after approximately three seconds.

11th July 2000 This version supports direct printing in landscape format to DFPRINT without user intervention. To do this specify these flags when opening the print device 8192+256+1 (NO_SELECT|NOCTL|SCREEN). This only works when printing to DFPRINT.

This version also fixes problems with ReporterWriter and DFPRINT. See K400013 for more information.

DP4 Version Compatibility


This is the 4.617 (2) trmw32.dll and is officially released.


4.617 trmw32.dll