Command tails/odbc.ini settings for DP4 SQL/ODBC - E4000017 - 21 Sep 2000 (updated)

SQL, and SQLEXE now accept the following command tails.


A "go faster" checkbox has been added to the DP4 ODBC DSN configuration dialog. Selecting this option has the same effect as the -noprivate" command tail described above, (not -gofaster, though if you also specify "Omit checks" you will get almost the same behaviour), and hence requires the new SQLLIBT.DLL to be effective. Suggestions for a more a more suitable caption for the checkbox gratefully accepted! The option is stored as no_private=0 or no_private=1 in the odbc.ini file.

21 September 2000. The version released on 11 September contained a file corruption. SQLLIBT.DLL has been updated to fix a problem with the LIKE operator used via ODBC.

DP4 Version Compatibility


You are highly recommended to also download E4000016 as this version of SQLLIBT.DLL has performance optimisations that only become effective with the new DP4SRVR.W32

Beta software is supplied without warranty and should not be used in live sites without the agreement of Itim Technology Solutions. Compatibility with an eventual final release cannot be guaranteed.


Beta 4.522/618 SQL programs,library and ODBC Library

The sql.m5, and sql.m6 contained updated help maps for SQL.EXE, which you can use to update your system dabtase if you wish. It is not necessary to do so however.