Support for Windows 2000 Terminal Services - E4000031 - Updated 20 Feb 2002

The Win32 version of DP4 is designed to run on all versions of 32 Windows including Thin Client versions such as Citrix and NT Terminal Server Edition. However, we have learned that DP4 did not work on Windows 2000 Terminal Clients.

Upon investigation this turns out to be due to a change in Windows 2000 which causes an incompatibility with existing software. Fortunately there is a simple enhancement to one DLL, syslibt.dll, which works around the problem.

In the new version of syslibt.dll the names used for the shared objects needed for communication between applications and the database manager are all prefixed with "Global\" when DP4 is run on Windows 2000. In fact this prefix is configurable with a new setting in datafit.ini: namespace=value.

Other theoretically valid values for this setting (on Windows 2000 only) are "Session\" and "Local\". The trailing back slash must be supplied.

18 Sep 2001This file has been updated with the syslibt.dll that will be issued as part of 4.523 and 4.619. The new version contains some additional functions used by the DP4 terminal manager when it is running as part of the DP4 Terminal Server.

20 Feb 2002 This file has been updated to fix an access denied error that occurs when a dial up program using a different log in from the logged in user attempts to access DP4 while DP4 is run as an application rather than a service.

DP4 Version Compatibility


This is 4.523/4.619 (2) syslibt.dll


4.523 syslibt.dll