DP4 Terminal Server Client - E4000043 - 16 Oct 2002

The files need to run DP4 in a thin client configuration are not currently included on the DP4 CD Rom, as we have not yet decided whether to include them as a standard part of DP4. They are now available as a download from this page. The download is password protected. Please send an e-mail requesting the password if you would like to experiment with running DP4 like this.

Installation and deployment of the DP4 Terminal client is discused in the DP4 networking manual netres.chm available from the manual downloads page. You can read the page here.

DP4 Version Compatibility


The files supplied are from DP4 Enterprise Beta 3. The install program will create a completely standalone installation, located by default in "c:\program files\Dp4 Terminal Client". At present there is no uninstall, just delete this directory if you no longer require it. Support for uninstall will be added at some point in the not too distant future.

The files can be installed in the same directory as a 4.620 installation but installation will modify your dp4.ini file. All the files with the same name as a standard component are the same as the standard component.

You should not really install over 4.619, because core DP4 components will be replaced with 4.620 versions. However, in fact everything will work afterwards, but your datafit.ini file will not be used any longer - dp4.ini in c:\dp4\win would be used instead.

Your DP4 server needs to be running 4.619 or 4.620 for the terminal client to work. You can use either a Linux/Unix or a Win32 server as the application server, but you will need to behave 4.6xx compatible databases (though a 4.5xx terminal client is also available).


DP4 Terminal Server Client (4.620 Win32 version)