

Applies on Windows CE devices from release 4.621

Windows CE devices are typically configured to go into suspend mode automatically, after only a few minutes of user inactivity. This may be inappropriate if the device is running background processes that are communicating with another computer over a network. From release 4.621 DP4 can prevent Windows CE devices suspending while DP4 network activity is taking place. Note that this new functionality is enabled by default, but there are situations where it may be preferable to disable it.

DP4 prevents devices suspending automatically by resetting to zero the timer that measures the time since the last user activity, whenever certain types of network activity take place. DP4 does not prevent user-initiated suspends (for example the user presses an Off button), and only prevents automatic suspends while it detects significant network activity from DP4 programs.

There are currently three places where keep_awake can be specified: