

Introduced in 4.624 patch release 7 on 18 Nov 2011. When printing via DFPRINT the DP4 terminal manager computes the approximate number of lines that can be printed on a page (pagedepth), and the average number of characters that can be printed on one line (pagewidth). Unfortunately these computations are wrong if the various settings such as y_factor,y_inch or their x_ equivalents, or the corresponding dfprint_x_ or dfprint_y_ settings have been used. In the past the terminal manager has made its computation using the ordinary settings and not, as it should do, the dfprint_ settings instead. In order to have these values computed correctly DP4 users must install the appropriate patch release of DP4, and they must also add the setting pagedepth_bug=0 in the [trmw] section of dp4.ini. This setting has been introduced because existing systems may well rely on the old, buggy, computation.